Demystifying SEO: A Simple Guide for Therapists and Coaches
Confused about SEO? Learn the basics of search engine optimization, and discover simple steps to help your website show up on Google and attract more of the right clients (without the overwhelm).
Why We Use a Quiz as a Lead Magnet (and You Should Too)
My Interact quiz quite literally grows my email list on autopilot. I set it up four years ago, and it’s still my top lead source by far. It’s one of the only elements of my marketing that is truly “set it and forget it.
Shifting Marketing Strategies for a Private Pay Practice: A Guide for Therapists
Discover how to effectively shift your marketing strategies when transitioning your psychotherapy practice from insurance panels to private pay.
The Art of Selling with Empathy: Designing a Sales Page that Connects with Your Ideal Clients
In this article, I’ll dive into the strategies and techniques for designing a sales page that not only captures attention but also builds trust and fosters a genuine connection with your potential customers.
How To Create A Quiz Lead Magnet for Your Therapy or Coaching Website (In 5 Steps)
Learn the five simple steps needed to create a quiz lead magnet for your therapy or coaching website. Get tips and advice on how to effectively use a personality quiz for maximum impact!
Keeping Your Website Healthy: Monthly To-Do’s for Therapists and Coaches
Similar to therapy or coaching, your website isn’t a ‘set it and forget it’ type of thing. It’s up to you to continue giving your website the TLC it deserves so that it can keep working hard for you in return.
How To Design A Logo For Your Counseling Practice
From a clinical perspective, an aligned logo clearly communicates to potential clients what you’re about as a therapist. From a business perspective, an aligned logo helps to set your practice apart and builds trust around your brand. In this post, I’ll share what you need to know about creating a logo for your counseling practice.
POV: The Therapy Seeker. What Therapists Need To Know About The Therapy Search Process
For therapists, finding aligned clients can be tough. For clients, the therapist search process can be overwhelming. In this post, I’ll be sharing what therapy seekers need, are looking for, and aren’t getting enough of during the therapy search process.
How Good Website Design Decreases Mental Health Stigma
Whether you’re aware of it or not, your website is playing a part in the stigma around mental illness and mental healthcare. In this post, I’ll share how you can make sure your website is a part of the solution rather than the problem.
5 Must-Haves for Your Therapist Directory Profile
Your online therapist profile is more than marketing, it is the beginning of a therapeutic relationship. I teamed up with Ryan Schwartz of Mental Health Match to share five secret ingredients that your online profile needs to have to be successful.
How To Use Humanistic Psychology to Design Your Private Practice Website
Designing a website for your private practice really isn’t that different than holding space for your clients. In fact, the websites that most effectively send therapists highly aligned clients are the ones that utilize a Humanistic approach to design and strategy.
Getting Started on Pinterest: A Guide For Private Practice Therapists
Pinterest consistently generates at least 80% of my website’s social media traffic with a fraction of the work on my part. Needless to say, Pinterest is one of my favorite marketing tools, so I enlisted the help of Christina Willis, a Pinterest Strategist, Registered Nurse, and founder of C. Willis & Co., to help you get started.