Getting Started on Pinterest: A Guide For Private Practice Therapists
Pinterest consistently generates at least 80% of my website’s social media traffic with a fraction of the work on my part. Needless to say, Pinterest is one of my favorite marketing tools, so I enlisted the help of Christina Willis, a Pinterest Strategist, Registered Nurse, and founder of C. Willis & Co., to help you get started.
Putting Yourself in Your Client's Shoes: 5 Things New Clients Are Looking for on a Therapist’s Website
I want to go back to basics and talk about the five things potential clients are looking for when they first visit your website. If you keep these things in mind, you can create a website that not only reflects the way you hold space, but meets the needs of your clients before they ever sit on your couch.
Avoiding Marketing Burnout: How to Streamline Your Efforts, Reach More Clients, & Practice Self-Care
If you feel yourself headed toward marketing burnout, this post is for you. I’ll help you simplify your marketing efforts, step by step, so you can reach more clients and spend more time doing what you love.
How To Choose The Right Website Design Option For Your Phase of Business
If you’re a psychotherapist in the market for a new website, you might be wondering, “Do I need a custom-designed therapy website?” or, “How much time, energy, and money should I be investing in my website?” I’ll share more about how to choose the right website option for your phase of private practice.
Self-Disclosure on Your Website and Social Media: To Share or Not to Share?
All of us therapists have to navigate our level of comfort with personal sharing in the therapy room, but what about online? With therapists increasingly engaging with folks on social media and through their websites, the self-disclosure decision has expanded beyond the couch and has become more complicated.
How To Use Social Media To Support Your Therapy Website
It may seem like your website, your business Instagram, your business Facebook, and your Psychology Today profile should all be lumped together as your “online presence,” each serving as a different - yet equal - point of connection between you and potential clients. This isn’t true.
4 Things Every Therapist Needs To Know About SEO
Over the years, I’ve learned a lot about what SEO is, what it isn’t, and how it works. In this post, I’m going to share the things that I tell my clients and customers when they ask me about getting website traffic from Google.
10 Website Myths To Stop Believing If You Want More Clients
Having worked with hundreds of therapists to design better, harder-working websites, I’ve noticed 10 common myths about private practice websites that contribute to the distance between potential clients and open spots on your caseload.
How To Create And Deliver Your First Virtual Workshop
In these uncertain, trying times, private practice therapists are perfectly positioned to support our communities through anxiety, depression, loneliness, and all mental and emotional effects of this traumatic global event. The best way to increase your impact while supporting more members of your community? Create offerings that serve multiple people at once.
Blog Post Outline for Therapists in Private Practice
Blogging is one of the best way to increase website traffic and build trust with potential clients, but so many therapists I talk to aren’t sure how to get started. If you’re feeling overwhelmed about the idea of blogging to grow your business, read on, friend!
How Design Can Make or Break Your Business
When people are meeting you by first visiting your website or scrolling through your social media profiles, having a cohesive design that consistently communicates who you are is critical for establishing a professional presence. This is why design shouldn’t be considered an out-of-reach luxury. It’s an investment that will fuel the growth of your business.
How to Reach Your Ideal Clients Online
If you’ve chosen a niche - congratulations! You’re well on your way to marketing with ease and having a more consistent income. However, at this point, you might be wondering, “How do I actually attract my ideal clients?”